Are you ready to have this election over? I am…
In this political year, the endless chatter of partisan talking points and the related squabbling and verbal bomb throwing is hitting an all-time high. The level of noise from both sides can be nauseating. I am often tempted to turn it off and many times do!
Navigating through the verbal morass can be tiresome. In the end, how is one to judge? How can one determine which side to choose? Trump vs. Biden? Biden vs. Trump?
Wading through the rhetoric can be downright exhausting. “Just answer the question!” I screamed at the screen recently. “Quit interrupting,” I demanded.
Okay, now I’m calm… Here’s my time tested tip!
Over the years, I have learned a simple courting axiom that will pay “mental clarity” dividends every time. I have spent much of my 35+ year corporate and entrepreneurial career motivating, developing and leading teams of people in both small and large organizations. This has been a great lesson in people.
Upon making that important hiring or appointment decision, I would often ask myself,
- “Can this person do the job to our expectations?
- “Will they do what they said they will do?”
- “Or, will we be disappointed once again and lose a ton of time?“
I have found the following phrase to be powerful for discerning minds seeking to evaluate the prospective effectiveness of a given candidate, be it business, non-profit boards, politics and even in our religious outreach, etc.
What is the axiom?
“Watch what people do, not what they say”
Words are cheap, but as we all learned growing up, “actions speak louder than words.”
My experience has proven the efficacy of this advice over and over again in dealing with human capital. This axiom has also proven itself time and again when projecting someone’s effectiveness into the future. This is clearly important in politics! Simply look at what they have done, clarify and validate it, and you will have reasonable assurance on what results you can expect.
Remember, no matter the organization there is always a goal, a vision, an objective or mission statement. Businesses want to grow and demonstrate a profit, organizations want to remain viable and promote their engaging vision or cause. But at the end of the day these organizations are made up of people just like you and me. If you want to have an impact as a leader, “Watch what people do, not what they say.”
Put another way, follow my dad’s advice and “check the fruit on the tree.”
If you like the fruit then pull the level and don’t get distracted by the political rhetoric.
The bottom line is, we either do what we say or not. We either keep our promises or not. Governing values are either vertically aligned with our goals and ultimately our daily behavior or not. Our actions over time are a manifestation of our true intentions and beliefs. Whether you like it or not, either way, we are indicted by how we vote our agency.
So, one way to know how to choose in this election, is by observing a person’s actions and results over time. This is why, “Watch what people do, not what they say” can become so helpful. The tongue can declare much, but what is eventually done can settle the argument regarding one’s true intentions, motives and belief system.
When observing political outcomes it can take years to sift through the rhetoric and resulting outcomes. It takes time…but over many years one can begin to judge people by what they “do” rather than what they “say.”
Biden has been around politics for 47 years. We pretty much know by his track record what he will do. We’ve watched President Trump for four years in the White House and can chronicle his actual legislative and executive accomplishments. Do you know them?
“Watch what people do, not what they say” and you will make the best choice.
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